Germany Business Email List, Lead and Contacts Database 2024

Verified Contacts of German Business Professionals and Marketers

Baris Zeren
- Last updated on
Jul 26, 2024

Need email leads? We help you reach German business contacts with our Germany email list database of 1,069,399 direct contacts(100% verified only) which you can buy and download right here on

Drive better results. Drive more conversions with our email lists to maximize your campaign effectiveness.

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4.9/5 Stars
GDPR Compliant
Last Update:
Jul 26, 2024
100% Real-Time Verified

Germany Business Email Database

Email Contacts
It starts at $99 for 250 leads. The more leads you order, the less you pay for each. Please visit our pricing page for all tiers.
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Germany Business Email Database

Email Contacts
It starts at $99 for 250 leads. The more leads you order, the less you pay for each. Please visit our pricing page for all tiers.
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Deliverability Guarantee:
Last Email Verification:
Usage Rights:
Exact CSV (Excelsheet)

Ready-Made List Packages
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Option 2

Available Data Fields: Extended/Detailed Data Structure, View Fields
List Type: Customized List
Starting at $99 for 250 leads
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Buy Germany Business Email Database

Don't waste time sending out marketing messages that won't make it to their intended recipients: Use the accurate, up-to-date contact information in this German email list to make direct connections with key players who are likely to buy your products or services.

Preview of Germany Business Email Database

The German economy is strong, and that means that there are plenty of business opportunities to be found here. But they're not going to just come to you: You need to go out and find them, and that's where we come in. At, we specialize in helping businesses to get the sales leads they need quickly, so they can skip the data-gathering stage and go right to making B2B connections and closing deals. Download this premium Germany mailing list today and you'll be one step closer to success!

You want a Germany business mailing list that will allow you to reach the key players who are likely to buy your products or services. With the bookyourdata email list, you will get a Germany b2b email database so good that it includes cities like Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne, Dresden, Leipzig, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart, Bonn, Bremen, Hanover, Essen, and Dortmund. Don't waste time on old tactics when there is an easier way. Make the direct connections you need with a German sales leads database so comprehensive that it puts all of the information about your potential clients at your fingertips.

Our human-verified German email database contains only accurate, up-to-date information about the people most likely to buy what you're selling, including their real names, job titles, company details, email addresses, postal addresses, and fax numbers. We don't just rely on computers to check our email marketing lists for accuracy: We go through them routinely by hand, using real human authenticators to make sure that every bit of data we sell is usable.

You can filter our data by choosing one or more of these cities as well as choosing which type of company you're looking for. For example, If you only want to speak to contractors based in Essen who specialize in "Buildings" (like offices or apartment buildings), you can reach them with our list-builder tool. Our database is updated monthly so you can rest assured that the information you're working with is accurate and current.

And at, we're devoted to making sure that you get exactly the information that you need. That's why we don't just sell pre-built bulk email lists like this Germany email list. We also have a list-builder tool that you can use to easily make just the right business database for you, filtering sales leads by things like industry, location, or job title.

See the difference a quality business contact list can make for your marketing campaign. Buy one of our lists today!


Our Germany email list is just one aspect of the comprehensive offerings we provide in our services. As you seek to expand your reach into the European market, it's crucial to consider the value of accessing email information from neighboring countries. This strategy will undoubtedly give you a competitive edge and broaden your audience base.

To better target potential customers within the European region, our EU market email list can connect you to a wide range of businesses and consumers. Neighboring Austria is another excellent market that you can tap into, and our austria email list makes it easy to establish relationships with businesses and professionals in a variety of industries. Don't miss the opportunity to open up new markets and expand your connections in Cental Europe.

Similarly, we offer curated Switzerland and Netherlands email lists. Our switzerland email list provides vital information to propel your marketing endeavors into the Swiss market, known for its thriving finance and pharmaceutical industries. The netherlands email list ensures your message reaches interested parties in a country renowned for its innovative technology, trade, and logistics sectors.

Investing in our specialized email lists will amplify your marketing efforts, allowing you to target niche markets and expand your influence across multiple European countries.

Reach prospects with Bookyourdata who are ready to buy today

Germany Email List FAQ

Is this Germany email list GDPR compliant?

Our data is GDPR Ready. Please see for reference. It's important to us that our products are safe to use, so we're constantly checking and re-checking our data stores to ensure that they're compliant with all regulations.

How can I download some samples for the Germany business mailing list?

To download some sample records for the German business mailing list, sign up for free and you can download 10 free records.

What advanced segments do you have for your Germany email database?

There are multiple advanced segments available for the Germany email database. You can filter any industries, job titles, and job levels with a combination of employees, and revenue ranges. The advanced segments also enable you to target specific domains, domain types, company types, founded years, countries, and technographic information.

Which file type do you use to deliver Germany bulk mailing list?

Our German email list is available as a .csv file (Excel) that is easy to import into any Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. This format allows you to quickly and efficiently import the information into the CRM we know you're already using, saving you time and allowing you to start organizing and sorting your data right away.

Trusted by Professionals: Bookyourdata Email Lists Review

Boost your outreach with our Germany Email List. See how professionals like you leverage our accurate data to drive results. ▶️ Watch their stories below:

Bookyourdata Reviews: 2024's Proven Path to Client Success
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Germany Business Email Database

Email Contacts
It starts at $99 for 250 leads. The more leads you order, the less you pay for each. Please visit our pricing page for all tiers.
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