Is Buying Email Lists Legal? Maximize Your Business Growth Safely

In many industries - and even specific markets - there’s a common question related to buying email lists: is it legal to buy email lists? If so, how does it help a business?

Yes, it is legal to buy an email list but that depends on the location. For example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe restricts the use of consumer data without their consent.

What this means is that you can still buy email lists from the right providers. However, if the email address owners in that list have not provided their consent, you cannot use those emails to send messages.

It would be in direct violation of the GDPR observed and practiced in the European Union (EU). However, there are other important things to know about this highly debated topic.

In this article we’ll be working through:

Let’s get into it!

What is Email List Marketing?

Email list marketing means sending promotional and/or informative content to customers but through a targeted email list. It is a very helpful strategy in increasing engagement rates and driving conversions.

As a business targets specific email addresses from a comprehensive list, it can use these segments to create personalized messages. This approach helps a business send the right message to the right recipient.

Many companies gather email lists through organic strategies like opt-ins, sign-ups, and so on. But, there are some companies that buy email lists to boost marketing results. For instance, BookYourData is one of the top-rated email list providers with whom registering is fairly easy.

Legality of Buying Email Lists

How legal - or illegal - is it to buy an email list? Well, the response to that is very nuanced because the legality of buying email lists depends on different factors. These will most likely include consent practices, data protection regulations, and the regional laws of where a business is.

  • Compliance with Regulations – The legality will depend on the regional data protection regulations. For instance, in the European Union, there is the GDPR. And in the United States, there's the CAN-SPAM Act. Both set strict guidelines regarding personal data collection. Both often require explicit content from the individuals before their data is available for use.
  • Consent and Permission of Subscribers – Different laws require businesses to get consent from individuals before collecting their data. This means explicitly mentioning the need for consent in the marketing emails or it could lead to severe penalties. Hence, the provider must have done so while generating email lists for sale.
  • Adhering to Local Laws – A business must be aware of its regional laws. This will help make a better decision by knowing whether or not buying email lists from certain providers is legal.
  • Ethical Considerations – Moreover, a business should not use consumer data without proper consent or get it from unreliable sources. Both are unethical practices and could lead to severe reputational damage – along with hefty fines.

Benefits of Purchasing Email Lists

Even though purchasing email lists sparks debates over the legality and ethics of doing so, there are still many businesses that enjoy the benefits of doing so - legally, of course. Currently, 80% of consumers say they are concerned about their privacy.

Many of the benefits help businesses expand their target audience and improve reach. This ultimately helps them generate revenue and increase market share as they can now connect with more potential customers.

Quick Access

The main benefit of buying an email list is that it immediately grants access to a larger audience, which might even include international prospects. This is especially helpful for B2B businesses.

Targeted Prospects

Most email lists bought online come with segmentation features - or pre-segmented lists. However, that too depends on the provider that a business has sought. For example, a business could go for B2B email lists to build a dedicated database of B2B prospects.

Potential for Increased Sales

When the business gets access to more potential customers, which might include high-quality and relevant prospects too, it can generate more sales. This happens through targeted content marketing. Since the lists are segmented, similarly to those at BookYourData, the business can use them to its advantage to send personalized messages to the audience.


Launch Campaigns Faster

The business no longer needs to spend time or resources on gathering email addresses organically. That way, the business can expedite marketing campaigns and start connecting with the new audience.

Competitive Advantage

Although overlooked at most times, buying an email list can give a business a competitive edge. It means that the business might have access to a wider audience before its competitors do.

Testing and Research

Another benefit of buying an email list is that now businesses can use the expanded reach to test new marketing strategies. It can experiment with different messaging styles, offers, and content strategies.

Expand Market Reach

Also, buying an email list doesn’t just expand the marketing reach. In fact, it allows a business to enter new markets, explore different geographical locations. More importantly, it is a way to curate and connect with a diverse customer base.

Factors to Consider When Buying an Email List

So, if a business decides to buy an email list, what should it do? First off, there are several factors that it needs to consider which will ensure that it gets the most out of this investment. Here’s how:

Quality vs. Quantity

To begin with, a large list of unverified or inactive email addresses is not so valuable. What’s more valuable is a list with highly targeted and relevant contacts, even if the list itself is small. This is where verifying email addresses before sending emails or buying a list is important.

Accurate Targeting & Segmentation

If an email list is well-segmented, it signals a high-value potential. The list could have addresses sorted based on factors like

  • Demographic information
  • Purchasing history
  • Stage of the buyer journey
  • Interests

Relevancy & Timeliness of Data

The business should also find an email list that was updated recently. An up-to-date list often contains active and highly engaged contacts. It’s important to bulk verify emails in the list if it’s a large quantity as well, such as using the online email tool at BookYourData.

Unsubscribe Rate & Delivery Rate

What’s the unsubscribe and delivery rate of the current email list? If the unsubscribe rate is high, it might not be relevant. In fact, a business should verify if the email addresses are valid. But if the delivery rate is high, it means the chances of connecting with relevant audiences are higher.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of ROI

To make the right decision, a business should also perform a cost-benefit analysis. That way, it can weigh the potential revenue generation through the list to the list’s actual costs (i.e., price and maintenance fees). In turn, it tells a business if the email list is worth the resources.

Compliance with Regulations & Laws

One of the main things a business must do is make sure that buying an email list is legal and ethical in its region. For example, the Canada Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) says that brands must offer opt-in permissions to their recipients explicitly. This will not only help improve the email marketing efforts and drive engagement but will also keep the business out of legal trouble.

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Through this regulation, businesses must ask for consumer permission explicitly when collecting their data. This includes the email list providers adhering to this regulation when selling email addresses.
  • CAN-SPAM Act – This regulation, in the United States, has set rules for commercial email messages. The recipient must have provided consent and should have the option to “unsubscribe” from future emails.
  • Local Legislation and Rules – It is important to note the data protection and online privacy regulation of not just the business’s but also its target audience’s location.
  • Provider’s Ethical Practices – To ensure compliance with regulations from all ends, a business also has to choose a legally compliant email list provider. The said provider must use ethical practices and get genuine consent from subscribers.

How to Buy a Quality Email List

Reach prospects who are ready to buy

A business typically uses a few steps to get the right email list. The process begins with understanding the primary business needs for the email list, i.e., what the business plans to achieve with it. Then, it is finding the right list building services (i.e., provider), checking compliance, and so on.

But why is buying a quality email list important? According to WebFX, more than 60% of B2B marketers claim that generating “high-quality” leads is the biggest challenge for them.

Determine Your Needs

Before going to a provider, it helps when the business knows the objective behind purchasing an email list. Why is it buying an email list? To increase sales, or perhaps, test out new content marketing strategies?

Research Providers

Finding the ideal provider can be a hassle. However, the main qualities to look for include:

  • Ethical practices
  • Legal and regional law compliance
  • High-quality email lists
  • High deliverability rates (and low unsubscribe rates)
  • Dedicated client support

Ask About the Source

One way to make sure the business is getting legally compliant lists is by asking about the source. If a provider fails to provide its source or relevant proof of consumer consent, the list is probably coming from dubious methods. Moreover, it should be a verified email list to maximize campaign results, for instance, buying one from BookYourData to guarantee high-quality outcomes.

Check Compliance

The provider must be complying with their regional laws. Therefore, the business should check whether the email list collection and sale is based on the GDPR or CAN-SPAM Act.

Request a Sample

Furthermore, it’s always a good idea to request a sample from the email list provider. Before making a big purchase, testing out a small sample will indicate whether the provider offers high-quality emails or not. This is where an email verification tool can also help assess whether the addresses in the list are valid too.

Inquire About Freshness

Most of the time, businesses overlook the “recency” of the email list. It refers to “how long ago was the email list updated?”. If the list is fresh, it means the data might be accurate and relevant.

Segmentation Options

Lastly, finding an email provider that offers segmented lists is a suitable approach. It will not only help with speeding up marketing campaigns but also improve the business’s understanding of its target audience.

So, Will It Be Legal to Buy Email Lists?

It’s clear that purchasing email lists requires careful thought and consideration. Otherwise, a business could end up in legal trouble and might even lose consumer trust. The latter can hurt the business indefinitely.

However, one of the best ways to go about this practice is to choose a reliable, compliant, and registered email list provider. When dealing with a list provider, it is important to check whether the provider complies with regulations like the GDPR and CAN-SPAM.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Purchasing an Email List Work?

The process is quite simple: a business sets the goals and requirements for the type of email list it needs. Then, it approaches a GDPR and CAN-SPAM email list provider to make the purchase. And that’s it!

What is a Consumer Email List?

This type of email list is where all the email addresses belong to individual customers. Considering that, it is ideal for marketing products and services. Still, a business must verify the list through legitimate sources and check, whether the recipients gave their consent or not.

Is it Legal to Send Emails to Purchased Email Lists?

Yes, sending emails to purchased email lists is legal. But only if the list complies with data protection regulations. For instance, if the marketing practice adheres to GDPR and CAN-SPAM, it could be legal.

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