15 Cold Email Templates for Networking, Jobs & Lead Generation

Sending generic messages to prospects from an email list may not help businesses reach their desired outcomes. However, they can learn what elements to include in their cold email template and achieve better sales results.

This guide reveals:

Discover the importance of creating an effective cold email strategy for businesses. Learn how to compose an attention-grabbing, well-structured cold email and include all necessary parts. Choose a suitable cold email template based on company objectives.

What is Cold Emailing?

what is cold emailing

Cold emailing is a sales strategy companies use to build valuable connections with prospects. This method is tailored for both big brands and startups aiming to create trustworthy relationships with leads and convert them into buyers.

However, a cold email outreach campaign conveys value, encourages feedback, and drives response only when proper engagement practices are used to attract the target audience. An organization’s cold email sets the tone for future interactions and generates interest among recipients.

Purposes of Using Cold Emails

Companies can use a cold email outreach strategy for many purposes, including lead generation, networking, and partnerships in the following ways:

  • Public Relations: Research trending keywords and pitch to journalists for partnerships.
  • Instagram Marketing: Reach out to potential partners to collaborate on Instagram commercials and enhance publicity.
  • Twitter Marketing: Connect with industry influencers to execute your Twitter marketing efforts.
  • LinkedIn Marketing: Network with professionals, generate leads, and promote LinkedIn content or services.
  • YouTube Marketing: Collaborate with YouTubers for promotions.
  • Email Marketing: Grow your email list and schedule more meetings by reaching out to potential leads.
  • Content Marketing: Distribute e-learning digital content, such as landing pages, eBooks, online courses, podcasts, and webinars, to potential readers and increase engagement.
  • Inbound Marketing: Attract potential customers by offering valuable information or resources that lead them to your website or content.
  • Outbound Marketing: Directly promote your products or services to potential customers through targeted cold emails.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Recruit affiliates by contacting individuals or businesses interested in promoting your products.
  • Influencer Marketing: Connect with influencers who have social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Pinterest and can help promote your offers.
  • Viral Marketing: Initiate creative campaigns to post viral content or promotions.
  • Mobile Marketing: Promote mobile apps or software services by sending potential users messages in their inboxes.
  • Digital Advertising: Optimize lead generation for SEO and PPC digital content advertising campaigns or partnerships.
  • Online Advertising: Promote your online content for advertising opportunities.

Practical Cold Emailing Examples

Various platforms can use cold emailing strategies to attract new customers and promote solutions. Here are a few examples:

  • WooCommerce: This platform can promote its plugins, themes, and services.
  • Zen Cart: They can ask for collaborations with small businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Volusion: It targets potential online store owners to showcase advanced SaaS e-commerce features and the advantages of free trials or discounts to attract new users.
  • 3DCart: Aiming to reach businesses to highlight success stories and case studies.
  • WordPress: Plugin and theme developers may use cold emails to promote their products to WordPress site owners. Agencies and freelancers might reach out to potential clients offering WordPress development services.
  • Joomla: Like WordPress, developers, and agencies might email potential clients to offer Joomla-related services and products.
  • Drupal: Companies offering Drupal development, modules, or themes may use cold email to target businesses that could benefit from the robust CMS capabilities.
  • Typo3: They can contact businesses needing enterprise-level CMS solutions.
  • Blogger: Companies offering blog migration services or tools might contact Blogger users.
  • Medium: Authors, publishers, or content marketers may use cold email to direct writers to their publications on Medium.
  • Tumblr: Brands and marketers might contact famous bloggers on this platform for collaboration or promotion opportunities.
  • Reddit: Companies may contact subreddit moderators or influential users for advertising opportunities or partnerships.
  • Quora: They may reach top contributors or influencers for content partnerships or promotional campaigns.
  • Digg: Content marketers might contact Digg editors or power users to promote or get featured content.
  • StumbleUpon: Like Digg, reaching out to influential users or editors to promote content and drive traffic.
  • Flickr: Brands and marketers might contact influential photographers for collaborations or to use their images in campaigns.

How Do You Write a Captivating Email Subject Line?

An impactful cold email features compelling subject line that highlights benefits recipients will get if they click and discover the sender’s proposals. The best cold email subject line reflects professionalism,  incorporates personalization, and includes call-to-action to reach the desired objectives. Here is how marketing teams can enhance value proposition in their cold emails:

  • Keep it short: Employees working in creative departments know that direct tactics best suit cold email campaigns. Informative subject lines should be no longer than 60 characters and provide valuable information to increase response rates.
  • Stay relevant: A subject line initiates conversations if it provides relevant content, such as recommendations or endorsements for recipients. Companies can identify potential clients’ pain points and use them to present their offers as solutions for their challenges.
  • Avoid sounding spammy: Cold emails can accidentally end up in spam folders because they contain a false prefix and clickbait-like language. A company that establishes credibility avoids spam triggers in subject lines and similar mistakes that may make its messages less engaging for readers.

How Do You Design a Compelling Email Body?

how do you design a compelling email body

An email body specifies offers, provides more information about the presented products and services, and demonstrates expertise in the industry. Thus, companies must design it properly by following these tips:

  • Include a Strong Introduction: The first sentence in an email copy is the most important because this section fosters connection. The hook can be a statistic, a fun fact, or a question that salespeople can apply to establish rapport with potential clients.
  • Use Active Language: Cold email senders must utilize active language and action verbs in the email body to grab the reader's attention. This practice maintains clarity throughout the email.
  • Consider the Email Layout: Businesses should use bullet points or numbered lists in their emails to make the content more skimmable. Short paragraphs also make it more reader-friendly. This type of structure is simple to follow, and marketers can automate A/B testing to see how the layout performs.
  • Incorporate Visual Elements: A well-crafted email body integrates visual elements like animations. A creative email appeals to recipients, especially if personalized to match the company’s branding.
  • Create a Responsive Design: 85% of users access their emails from their mobile devices. Thus, companies must construct an email design that accommodates feedback by improving user experience with suitable fonts, short yet clear content, and eye-catching CTAs.

Cold Email Templates for Varied Objectives

cold email templates for varied objectives

Anyone can customize cold email outreach templates to meet various objectives, including sales increases, making new work-related friends, and employment opportunities. This guide includes results-oriented and customizable template examples for various B2B efforts.

Cold Email Templates for Sales and Lead Generation

Sales emails include persuasive language to convince recipients of their offers’ benefits but don’t necessarily contain pricing information. Sales email templates help businesses generate new deals and build trust-worthy relationships with potential clients. 

  1. Subject Line: [Name], can you help?

Hey [first name],

We recently launched a new platform at [your company] that [one-sentence pitch], and we’re seeing awesome [get specific] results for [your target customers].

Do you handle [the thing your product/service does]? If not, who is that person?


[your name]

  1. Subject Line: Want [insert metric from case study]?

Hey [first name],

I’ll get straight to the point: We help [target customer] tackle [main pain point], and [our solution, tool, service, product, etc.] is highly effective.

We've already helped companies like [3-4 current relevant customer names] reach [insert specific metrics].

Do you have 15 minutes tomorrow to chat about [#1 benefit your prospect can expect]?

[Include a link to schedule a call]

Thanks for your time,

[your name]

  1. Subject Line: Scale [their company name] in [time frame]

Hey [first name],

While researching [company name], I came across your profile—my opinion is that you’ve been busy the past [number of years they've worked at the company, look it up on their LinkedIn profile] years scaling the [department] team.

Does your team ever struggle with [address pain point your solution solves]?

[Recognizable competitor] needed a way to [what you offer] since leveraging [your company name], their [major benefit]. As a result, their customers experienced [business impact].

Does exploring ways we can give your team directions make sense, too?

[your name]

  1. Subject Line: Why [your company]?

Hey [first name],

I [explain how you got their contact information: talked to a colleague, saw your company online, etc.] and wanted to gauge your interest in [#1 major benefit of your solution; specific numbers are great here].

Over at [name of your company], we have a new platform that’ll help your [department] team at [organization name] with [one sentence pitch of benefits].

Are you available for a quick call [time and date] to explore this further?

[link to calendar]

[your name]

  1. Subject Line: [Industry] trends and [prospect company name]

Hey [First Name],

Have you seen much about the [specific recent shift, new trend, industry update] in our space? Specifically, [Trend 1], [Trend 2], and [Trend 3].

My team at [your company] has been diving deep into these changes with our [your solution’s #1 major benefit], and our customers like [2-3 relevant companies] see some solid lift in [meaningful metric].

Are you up for chatting about how we could help your team get similar results?

[Your Name]

Networking and Relationship-Building Templates

A cold email builds relationships and meaningful connections with like-minded humans or industry professionals. A salesperson who expresses flattery but still respects privacy can use one of the following networking-appropriate email templates:

  1. Hi [name of connection],

Thanks for your great work on [subject]. I appreciate the quality of your work, and it’s helped further my passion for the subject.

My name is [name], and I work as a [occupation] at [company]. I first became familiar with your work [how you learned about this person] and have enjoyed your insights ever since.

I’m a true fan of your work and I’d love to get together and grab a coffee sometime or next. I’d love to hear more about your experiences and share ideas on [subject].



  1. Hi [name of connection],

It was great meeting you at [event] recently. I enjoyed our conversation about [subject] and have been researching it further.

There’s a lot of great information that can help build on your ideas, and I found this article fascinating [link]. I hope you will continue with your amazing work on this subject, and I’d love to continue our conversation at some point.

If you’re available for a coffee or a delicious meal next week, it would be great to discuss the plan further. Give me a heads-up if you’re available.



  1. Hi [name of connection],

I came across your excellent work on [subject/topic], and as a fellow professional in [industry], I found your insights very valuable.

I am currently exploring [specific topic or challenge] in my role as [job title] at [company] and was wondering if you could spare some time for a chat. Your expertise in this area could provide me with some much-needed perspective.

I am looking forward to your response.

Thank you,

[your name]

  1. Hi [name of connection],

I recently read your article on [topic] and found it enlightening and well-argued. As a fellow professional in [industry], I thoroughly enjoyed your perspective.

I am working on a project related to [specific project or topic], which aligns well with your areas of expertise. I think we could mutually benefit from collaboration or even just a discussion of the most critical factors.

Would you be open to a call or meeting to explore this possibility?


[your name]

  1. Hi [name of connection],

Congratulations on your recent promotion/new role at [company name]. Your career growth is genuinely inspiring and well-deserved.

As someone who also works in [your industry], I’m always eager to connect with fellow professionals and learn from their experiences. If you have time, I’d love to catch up and hear more about your new role.


[your name]

Templates for Jobs, B2B, and Follow-ups

Asking questions is not an easy task for everyone, especially when they are interested in specific areas related to job opportunities. Sending a follow-up and getting no response can also be frustrating. So, these cold email templates can help:

  1. Hi {{firstName}},

I'm unsure if you saw my last email, but I will make this one super quick so as not to waste your time.

I’m 100% confident that the collaboration between {{companyName}} and [YOUR COMPANY] is a match made in heaven.  

Here’s why:

{{strong Argument}}

Plus, all indicators suggest it will be a major hit and attract much attention once we release it.

Let me know {{firstName}}, as I’m very interested in your thoughts.

Stay safe,


  1. Hello {{firstName}},

We’ve selected {{companyName}} campaign as our weekly “What could this campaign be doing better?” round table.

In essence, we choose one fortunate campaign and go through it from top to bottom to see what we could do to help your project grow.

We usually brainstorm with two to three people from my team. (I’ve attached a screenshot of our Zoom meeting below.)


Erin from my team also took notes about all the ideas we had, so if you’re free sometime, I’d love to chat with you!


P.S. Don’t want a follow-up? {{unsubscribe}}

  1. Subject: Introducing Impressius - franchise opportunity in {{country}}

Hi {{firstName}},

Thank you for your interest in learning more about becoming an Impressius licensee!

I've recorded this vlog message for you, click to watch it:


See you there,


  1. Subject: As promised 😉

Quick follow-up, as promised! It was great connecting and discussing your recruitment process at {{companyName}}.

Should you give us the green light, here are the next steps.


Oh, one more thing: I am sending a little something. You’ll love it!



  1. Subject line: Thanks for our chat at {{EventName}}!

Hey {{firstName}},

Discussing {{topic}} with you during the conference was nice.

Returning to the office, I thought this video would be interesting for you to dive even deeper into the subject since it highlights how {{solution}}.

What do you think?

Talk soon,


Important Steps to Write a Professional Cold Email

important steps to write a professional cold email

Professional cold emails must target ideal customer personas and create sales opportunities with valuable and relevant insights. Follow these steps to ensure your cold email follows best practices and intrigues everyone who reads it:

Personalizing Your Approach

Companies should prioritize writing professional cold emails containing information that targets audience interests and converts them into potential buyers. They need a lead list with accurate and direct emails or mobile dials for this. Businesses can buy a verified email list from Bookyourdata and rely on this platform’s data enrichment features. They can perform email list segmentation based on demographics or job titles to personalize their content and make it more relatable. Also, the sender shouldn’t forget to include their signature at the end.

Balancing Brevity with Substance

A valuable cold email ensures brevity by avoiding technical terms and jargon in the email body. The text in such emails must be concise and straightforward, only focusing on offer promotion and benefits.

Calls to Action that Convert

A CTA guides the email recipient to do precisely what a company wants, whether subscribing to their newsletter or purchasing another offer. These short texts include action verbs with links for leads to click and take the next step in the customer journey.

Analyzing Real-World Cold Email Examples

Companies can analyze the effectiveness of a cold email to track recipients’ responsiveness and interactions. They usually implement analytics tools, monitor and measure KPIs, and aim to improve conversion rates and refine sales.

They also conduct experiments and evaluate studies to assess their cold email campaign’s performance using the following techniques:

  • Questionnaires or surveys
  • Market research (Psychographics)
  • Consumer research
  • Audience Research
  • Competitor Analysis (Compare USP)
  • SWOT Analysis
  • PEST Analysis

Why These Templates Work

Testimonials and analysis show that the formulas used in cold email templates show evidence of increased website traffic, positive reviews, and more conversions. Cold email templates enhance business growth because they are used to target relevant email contacts who are interested in purchasing the offers. 

Learning from Successful Campaigns

A marketplace, website, or an e-commerce online store showcases success stories of email campaigns to grow the seller base and expand reach. Here are a few online shops and web pages that have used this strategy during their marketing efforts and enhanced their product offerings successfully:

  • Amazon
  • eBay
  • Shopify
  • BigCommerce
  • Magento
  • PrestaShop
  • OpenCart
  • Wix
  • Squarespace
  • Weebly

Choose The Best Cold Email Template for Your Business

Crafting a cold email that captures attention, engages recipients, and prompts action may sound simple. However, finding an adaptable cold email template that aligns with brand positioning, adheres to guidelines, and reflects current trends may be more challenging for businesses.

Luckily, here you can find one that suits multiple scenarios, supports A/B testing, and aligns with objectives to successfully represent a company’s offerings. So, remember to choose one after you revise the relevance of lead email addresses in your list.

Do you need help with building an email list? Bookyourdata provides contact information of interested prospects and guarantees 97% accuracy for the best cold email campaign results. It also offers real-time email verification, and its data complies with legal requirements for transparency.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can You Tailor a Cold Email Template to Different Industries?

When contacting them in various industries, B2B sales and marketing efforts include discovering prospects' needs, preferences, and pain points. Thus, a cold email template must also focus on potential leads' niche-specific job positions.

What Are Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Cold Emailing?

Generic messages lacking personalization have low chances of attracting more customers. An improperly defined target audience, the absence of CTAs, and poorly drafted subject lines can also result in ineffective cold emailing campaigns.

How Often Should You Follow Up After Sending a Cold Email?

Follow-ups are crucial parts of every cold email outreach strategy. However, businesses shouldn’t rush to send follow-up emails too soon after the first one. Instead, they should wait at least three business days before attempting to get in contact with prospects again and discover if they are interested in your offer.



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