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24 Best Sales Email Templates to Get Instant Responses

How often have you sent a sales email only to realize that you received more negative than positive answers? It's discouraging, but don't worry. Rome wasn't built in a day! Have you considered using sales email templates to help you get started? They can be an excellent jumping-off point for creating something valuable for your strategy. 

But that's not where we end this post. So, if you want to improve your email marketing game and get more positive responses, keep reading. 

In this article, we'll cover the basics of email marketing, its value, what makes a good template, and how to create one yourself. We'll also delve into the psychology behind email marketing and how you can use human emotions to create epic results with your next pitch.

What is a Sales Email Template?

As a professional, you know how important it is to craft the perfect message to capture your potential client's attention and drive conversions. Since occasionally the turnover begins to spiral, you get discouraged. Thomas Edison once said: "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to always try one more time."

That's precisely what email templates are for testing and measuring the efficiency of your email marketing strategy. A central part of a sales email is a message companies send to their potential clients to promote products and services, and its ultimate goal is to increase revenue. 

Nowadays, you can find templates for every industry, easily customizable according to your organization's needs. They are the foundation for different use cases; you don't have to write them from start to finish.

How to Use a Sales Proposal Email Template

Sales proposal email templates are your ready-made tool to improve outreach and help you close more meaningful deals. As they come prepared, they are your signpost to guide you in the right direction. However, that doesn't mean plastering yours and the company name and hitting that Send button. 

Using a template is not about using something already written but utilizing its guidance to achieve better results. According to Statista, 90% of American consumers find marketing personalization appealing. Based on that information, consider the number of people more likely to buy from you if you personalize your email proposals. 

To get that result, you can combine design with content to customize the template and build emails that stand out among others in the email ocean. That's when you have to take into consideration the customer. There are plenty of opportunities to leverage the power of psychology behind each of your emails. 

When you cater to your audience's needs through emotional connection, trustworthy attitude, or storytelling, the message becomes more relevant to the reader. Inspiring them to take action leads you to increase engagement and get you those positive answers. 

Types of Sales Pitch Email Templates

Sales pitch emails are powerful tools to get in front of your audience with the right message. But what defines that "right" message in the first place? It's the combination of language, psychology, and experience. Let's look at some common types of sales pitch email templates. 

Cold Email Template

Cold email is what its name says: sending an email to someone you had no previous contact with. It's an integral part of the sales process and an inevitable lead-generation tactic to introduce a company or brand to its targeted audience. Let's look at a template example:

Subject Line: How [product/service] can transform your [specific benefit]

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I recently came across [trigger event or mutual connection] and wanted to reach out. As an expert in [your area of expertise], I've helped [similar companies/individuals] achieve remarkable results.

Here's how [product/service] can benefit you:

  • [solution/Benefit/result]
  • [solution/Benefit/result]
  • [solution/Benefit/result]

Would you be open to a brief call to explore this further? I'd love to discuss how we can [specific objective].

I am looking forward to connecting!

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Company] 

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works?

When composing emails, it's essential to be concise yet polite. To achieve this, start with a clear subject line that indicates the intention of your email. In the introduction, refer to a shared experience or acquaintance to establish a connection. If you pitch a product or service, evidence of its effectiveness can increase your chances of securing their reply.

Warm Email Template

After introducing yourself, your company, and your services, you want to maintain that connection, which means building a relationship. Warm email is written and personalized according to specific recipients. It helps follow up on your contacts and make sense of previous interactions. For instance:

Subject Line: Connecting After [Event Name]

Hi [Prospect's Name],

It was a pleasure meeting you at [Event Name]. What an impressive show it was!

I am reaching out because I noticed your interest in [Company]. As someone who understands the importance of [Objective], we can collaborate effectively to achieve your goals.

As discussed, I've included [Information] for your review. I'd be happy to chat over the phone if you have any questions or need additional details. Just let me know what works best for you.

I am looking forward to connecting further!

Best regards,


Why it works?

During networking events, you might have had a chance to talk to someone. However, even if you had a chance to mention your product or service, it's essential to email them enough information about what you have to offer without being overbearing.

Prospect Follow-Up Email Template

A follow-up email is a sequence of email messages after connecting with prospects. It shows you still care for their opinion and you consider them valuable. Prospect follow-ups increase your chances of connecting or turning them into paying customers. Let's look at the example below: 

Subject Line: Thanks for Choosing [Company/Services]

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I am following up regarding our previous correspondence. Have you reviewed the information I sent in the last email? For your convenience, I've included our previous conversation below.

Please reply to this email if you have further questions or need additional details. 

I'm here to assist!

Best Regards,


Why it works?

Following up is essential once you send an email and receive a reply. Staying in front of your client's eyes with additional offers, information, or anything valuable to them gives you a better chance of earning their trust.

Email Template for New Clients

Email templates for new clients are also known as welcome emails. These emails are usually sent to prospects who agree to purchase your product or services. These emails aim to establish and solidify the connection with them and encourage them to keep using your products or services. Here is an example: 

Subject Line: Exploring Opportunities with [Your Company]

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I'm [Your Name] from [Your Company], a company specializing in [experience]. Our mission is to help clients overcome [a typical challenge you help clients face].

I'm reaching out because there could be a great synergy between our expertise and your needs. We've successfully partnered with companies like [Client 1], [Client 2], and [Client 3] to achieve [a typical client goal].

Please explore our website at [website page] to learn more about our work. Alternatively, I'd happily schedule a brief call to discuss how we can support your objectives.

I am looking forward to connecting!

Best regards,


Why it works?

A general rule of thumb is that your new prospects will likely continue communicating with you if you provide proof. Think about why they would hire you instead of your competitor. You can use examples of your previous clients and projects.

Email Template for Existing Customers

Email template for existing customers, or retention emails, serves as a mediator to keep them around as loyal consumers. Sending emails like this is a strategy to engage your existing customers and encourage them to keep interacting with your brand. For instance: 

Subject Line: Exclusive Deal Inside: Enhance Your Experience with [Company Name]

Hi [Customer's Name],

As a valued customer of [Company Name], your satisfaction is our top priority. Today, I'm thrilled to share an exclusive opportunity with you.

Introducing Our New Deal: [Deal Name]

We've crafted a unique offer tailored just for existing customers like you. Here's what you can expect:

[Benefit 1]: [Briefly describe the first benefit of the deal.]

[Benefit 2]: [Highlight the second benefit, emphasizing its value to them.]

[Benefit 3]: [Share the third benefit, creating excitement.]

Why You'll Love It:

[Detail how this deal addresses their pain points or enhances their experience.]

How to Claim Your Deal:

Simply reply to this email; our team is ready to assist you and ensure a seamless process.

Remember, this offer is exclusively for customers like you. Don't miss this chance to elevate your experience with [Company Name].

Thank you for choosing us as your partner. We look forward to serving you!

Best regards,


Why it works?

It's not just about getting new clients; it's also about keeping them interested in your brand. That's why it's essential to update them regularly on your latest offers, services, and benefits. Using a template and clearly communicating your offer can keep your clients happy and engaged with your brand. Ensure they have clear guidelines on the next steps they need to take.

Proven and Effective Sales Email Templates

How many sales emails did you open during all this time? Not much, for sure. Did you know that, according to Constant Contact, since 2023, the total email open rate across all industries was 36.80%? That's closely a third of all emails. As people worldwide are bombarded by emails daily, consider following an effective sales email template while reviewing these numbers. 

1. Choose an Appropriate Subject Line

Have you skimmed through newspaper titles recently? Most people read only headlines and nothing else. It's the same with email subject lines. In email marketing, you have about 3.5 seconds for the recipient to read the subject line and decide whether or not to read it. That means you must make it persuasive, concise, and precise in a limited character space. 

The maximum subject line is about 60 characters before an email provider cuts it off. However, it would help to consider devices that come down to 44 characters long. 

2. Be Specific

When writing a sales email, the point is to be brief but specific about what you offer. If you keep beating around the bush, you will likely lose your prospect. Consider their perspective while perusing emails, sometimes up to ten at a time. Will they find yours intriguing? It's not about typing down the message and - done. Are you being clear about what you can offer and resolve their issues? Make it specific and easy for them to say yes.

3. Craft a Clear and Concise Message

For example, don't use rambles or musings in the subject line, however interesting you think they are. When your prospects wander off, they close and delete the email message. Keep your message clear and concise. The body of the message is where you can provide more details of what you are offering. It's the opportunity to encourage your readers to continue interacting with your company. 

4. Write for One Person

Your audience may number in millions, but you are addressing one person at this specific moment. Each of them has their preferences and pain points. Your sales email should address those pain points while providing value and closing with a request that will lead them further down the customer journey. 

5. Build Rapport

Your email should be as natural as possible since you are writing to a real person. Think of it as conversing with someone you met for the first time. As with everyone else, you want to make connections as soon as possible, but building rapport takes time. It means building relationships while adding value to every conversation. Do your research, and create meaningful conversations that will last a long time.

6. Ask an Opinion

If you look at most sales emails, they ask a specific question. The logic behind this is that the reader subconsciously attempts to answer it. So, why not use the opportunity to ask for their opinion? Encouraging honesty when asking for reviews, feedback, or testimonials lets you know where to improve your business. You can add a quick link to help users navigate quickly to the next step.

7. Provide a Solution to a Problem

The main story in each email is a sales pitch. That's a problem, value, statement, and an engaging question to help tie it together. That means mentioning how your services can solve your prospect's problem. With it, you will have an email hitting the bullseye. It will tell them you have authority in the field and that they don't need to wonder anymore because your services are to the point. 

8. Ask if You Reach the Right Person

Asking whether or not you are contacting the right person can help you in two ways. First, it can be a great way to confirm that you are speaking to the correct person who can lead you to the following mail. And another, if you don't have the right email contact, they will likely provide you with one. That means addressing the decision-maker within that company. 

9. Craft Compelling Stories

Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools in sales marketing. It's a known fact that humans like stories. When we read, we pay more attention and memorize the words. Hence, creating an engaging and emotional narrative in your emails is a sure path to drive customers to take action and improve your sales. 

10. Ask for Referrals

Similar to a situation where you make a clear and concise point, asking for referrals is the same. If you are doing it, approach it differently in a more humble manner. Ask your clients about the specific segment of people. For example, asking a client for someone who needs them is a great starting point if you are an email list provider. Each time you write an email and mention referrals who gave you the contact in the first place, your chances of making meaningful connections increase.

11. Share the Same Sentiment

Emotions are one of the driving factors in sales psychology. However, sentiment is the belief that a customer develops from a feeling. Whether it's toward the product or salesperson, tapping into the same emotions as your clients is essential. That means that you value them, their opinion, and their experience.

12. Write a Proposal

Proposals come down to briefly writing the entire range of it. The scope is like guidance for what you should mention in the proposal, and it includes who, what, where, when, how, and why. Who is behind the activity, for example, who provides products or services? What is the subject of the proposal that should be delivered? 

Where indicates a location if related to the subject. When referring to a timeline or deadline for delivering products or services, how are you meeting clients' standards with your services? And finally, what is the reason why the client should choose you in the first place? 

13. Give Congratulations

Suppose you know that your potential prospect has achieved something recently. It would help if you mentioned that in your email. It shows you are not a machine but a human being. That said, be brief about it and don't ramble; touch on the matter and move on to why you are sending it in the first place.

14. Include Social Proof

Social proofs are typical psychological factors. Whenever we are uncertain of a decision, we look for guidance and the people around us. Hence, email marketing is the same; we look for other people's opinions, including customer reviews, expert endorsements, or media mentions.

15. Incorporate Personalization

Personalization can make or break your email marketing efforts. Like everything mentioned, you can have great visuals, but there will be no response unless the written content doesn't speak to your audience. Personalization builds trust, and that's what you want from your prospect. You can include mutual connection, praise, or something in common to make your mail look like it was created for that specific person. 

16. Offer Something of Value to the Recipient

One of the most common strategies in email marketing is to offer your customers something that interests them. It's not necessarily a sale, but some kind of informative content that will keep the conversation going. Naturally, it's not fitting for every industry, but finding that golden piece that can turn a buyer into a returning customer is something you want to take advantage of. 

17. Use Images, Videos, or Graphics Where Appropriate

Crafting visual content can have a significant impact on your audience. It attracts the eye and creates context alongside your written message. They are like illustrations that follow your written word. That said, they should be used sparingly and where it makes sense. Have visually appealing elements that speak to your targeted audience as much as text does. 

18. Ask for Permission to Follow Up with Prospects

Asking your prospects a simple question can have multiple benefits for your business. You will build trust and be able to continue the conversation with them in the future. The unwritten rule of email marketing is always to be polite with your potential clients and be considerate of their time and privacy.

19. Include a Call To Action (CTA) at the End of Your Message

Have you ever thought about the accurate metric that measures your campaign's success? It's CTA because how many people took action from your message matters most. With a letter with a clear call-to-action, you ask your prospect for a particular activity and move the deal forward. Short text asks them to visit a website, call you, or perform any other operation that will bring you new customers. 

20. Mention Competitors

To surpass your competitors, you must know their value proposition better than yours. Mentioning a competitor in a sales email is a common occurrence. However, it can sometimes backfire. So, if you put your brand above theirs, be sure to do it in a noninvasive and knowledgeable way. 

21. Offer a Freebie

Offering a freebie to your potential customers is an effective list-building tactic. In addition, it builds trust, loyalty, and authority for your brand. Whatever it is you are an expert in, and you can provide valuable insight or knowledge, that is what you should use to approach your consumers. 

22. Reconnect

Your greatest treasure is your current list of clients. Sometimes, you don't send them emails, and they forget about you. Reconnecting with them again is a great way to make them return to your brand. You can offer new solutions, say what's new, or provide new services.  

23. Provide a Helpful Case Study

Case studies are like reports on products, services, or use cases. Sending clients such a document can build trust and provide more information about your brand. It's one of the common strategies in digital marketing that can gain new customers and build relationships and authority within the industry. 

Sales Introduction Email Best Practices

Although we believe we are rational beings, the psychology behind the sales industry proves us wrong. Decades into the industry and sales are about emotions created by the consumer's relationship with a product, brand, or salesperson. 

First impressions play a significant role in sales psychology. If it were a face-to-face purchase, you would react differently than you would via email. If the message or subject line is not what you like, that email is in the trash bin. So, let's look at some of the best sales practices for writing an introductory email. 

Introduce Yourself

Put yourself in the perspective of your reader. Read the introduction and think how you would react. If it's too long, it's time to shorten it. Try to use fewer words and stay to the point. Being respectful of their time is the first step through their door. Use concise sentences to say what you do and present your business offer. 

Keep it Simple

You might want to start writing a story to send to your prospects, but the truth is simple is the best solution. It's essential to stay relevant and make them feel like they're not another number on your mailing list of clients. That includes reaching the point without hesitating and stating why you are contacting them. Let them discover how you can solve their problems and meet the required goals. And above all, use their language. 

Focus on Your Subject Line

We already mentioned the importance of the subject line. However, psychologically, you must either intrigue them or deliver something worth their time. The Subject line is often filled with offers and whatnot. However, some tests show that short subject lines draw the reader's attention because they differ. 

Other good practices include using questions and psychological biases, such as fear of missing out, reciprocity, and confirmation. Whatever works best for your brand, test different subject lines, as they can make a huge difference in your campaign. 

Include a CTA

Without CTA, your prospects won't know what to do next, even if they are interested. People are too busy to show respect for their time and guide them to the next step. Make it as precise as possible. For example, if it's a meeting schedule, give them access to your calendar so they can quickly and easily get in touch. 

Follow Up

It doesn't mean they are not interested if you don't get a response. Think about your message: did it miss something in providing a clear path to contact or visit your website? The subject line may be lacking. Either way, use what you know and send a follow-up email; it might pique their interest more than the main message. 

Benefits of Using a Sales Email Template

If you ever received an email from a business with your name on it, chances are - you opened it. Even though you know, it's an offer of product or services, and the storytelling you drew in, you had to read it through to the end. These email messages may be unicorns on the market, but that's why they work so well. 

If you encounter an email that inspires you to take action, it means it's well-crafted and does its job perfectly. However, it's easier said than done. Hence, it's time to stop staring at your email layout on the screen and start thinking about how you can enchant your prospects. Let's look at some benefits of using a sales email template. 

Consistency in Communication

Ready-made email templates can give you control over your messages. They are there to secure consistency in your communication. In the eyes of your clients, a clear message with relevant content can have a positive and professional impact. 

It's like having an excellent blueprint for success within every email you send. Each mail you send is brand-consistent, which equals familiarity, which leads to building trust. When your clients know what to expect from your emails, they feel more at ease and ready to engage with your services.

You don't have to reinvent the wheel for every outreach effort. You need to have an idea of a suitable template to establish the rhythm that keeps your customers engaged with your offerings. A consistent dialogue makes solid connections and inspires trust, loyalty, and success while prospecting. 

Time Efficiency

According to Statista, their research in 2018 concluded that email marketing professionals worldwide spend 3.9 hours per day crafting the message. An intriguing finding emerged from their study: despite the considerable time spent on crafting, there needed to be more emphasis on testing and refining these emails. It's like they work part-time on each message. What if that timing could change?

With a suitable sales email template, businesses can revolutionize their approach to email marketing, maximizing time efficiency without compromising quality. Templates give you a structured layout, giving marketers more time to focus on what matters the most - content. That being said, email marketing professionals can increase efficiency, deliver engaging messages, and maximize ROI simultaneously. 

Increased Productivity

Whether you use ready-made templates or create one of your own, you can increase productivity. Currently, your team is spending significant time crafting the messages, from content visuals to formatting emails correctly. Each step includes preparation, sizing the images, or writing content. Then, it combines all the elements by endlessly moving them across the layout to achieve the best result. 

With templates, your employees can cut this time short. Not only will they increase productivity, but also avoid confusion. All the messages become consistent by using a template for each purpose. That means more time on their hands so that they can focus on something more substantial. 

Easy Customization and Personalization

CMO by Adobe has discovered that 66% of consumers say that non personalized content will stop them from buying products or services. With such numbers, customization is the most critical element of modern digital marketing strategy. It is the secret ingredient that makes a bland, generic email into an attention-grabbing personalized message. 

Think about it: you are segmenting your consumers for a reason. Your audience is not a homogeneous blob; they are individuals with unique tastes, interests, and preferences. Whether it's a body copy, call-to-action, visuals, or email endings, templates allow you to tweak elements and speak their language. The point is to unroll the virtual red carpet and let them enter your business. 

Better Tracking and Performance Analysis

If you are not using analytics to track the performance of your email campaigns, then you should start. It gives you invaluable insight into campaign performance. Let's say you use multiple templates; you can track whether or not the email is opened. 

You must have sent an email promoting your services or product. The receiver on the other end opens it, reads the copy, and nothing happens. With email templates, you can find the right concoction to send successful emails. A/B testing is like a playground for marketers. Templates allow you to create multiple variants effortlessly. Ultimately, templates are not static virtual canvas; they are dynamic places that give you the power to optimize, track, and elevate your game.

Maximizing the effectiveness of your sales email templates starts with reaching the right audience. Discover how to refine your approach and increase engagement by learning how to create targeted email lists, ensuring your messages land in the inboxes of those most likely to respond. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Important is Personalization in a Sales Email Template?

Personalization is vital in sales email templates. But it's not about inserting your potential client's name in the empty box; it's about building human relationships. In turn, it produces trust, relevancy, and increasing conversion rates. 

How Long Should a Sales Email Be?

Sales email length should be the right balance between precision and completeness. That includes staying brief and to the point, which can amount to 200 words in total. There will be plenty of opportunities to provide details during meetings. The point is to reach the right audience now. 

How Often Should I Follow Up with a Sales Email?

Follow-up of sales emails should not be too frequent. You do not want your potential client to think you are pesky. However, an average follow-up tactic includes five emails after the initial one, spanning through the work year.

A Guide to Getting Your Reader's Attention with Sales Email Templates

A sales email template can make or break your email marketing campaign. Think of it as a dynamic canvas that you can use to change your message and other elements to achieve your final goal - get a response and action from the reader. 

Email templates use best practices, psychology, and other tools to capture the receiver's attention within seconds. If you think carefully, people are distracted or excited by receiving an email. That means staying to the point and evoking pleasant feelings. 

In a competitive landscape, having access to high-quality leads is crucial for business growth. BookYourData specializes in curating email lists that empower your marketing efforts. The data-driven approach ensures you reach the right audience at the right time. If you are targeting B2B clients, a comprehensive list features a strategic advantage. Trust us to deliver results—because sales email success begins with the right contacts.



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