How to Craft the Perfect Meeting Request: Templates and Examples for Asking Availability

In this article, we break down the most important things(including meeting request templates) to consider when writing a meeting request email. These topics are like:

  • Benefits of Using Email Templates for Meeting Requests
  • Key Elements of Effective Meeting Request Emails
  • Tips for Writing and Structuring Meeting Request Emails
  • Examples of Meeting Request Email Templates
  • Best Practices for Email Tone and Personalization

By the end of this guide, you'll master crafting compelling meeting request emails. With our top templates and insights, you'll stand out in inboxes and effectively engage leads. Plus, you can find out how BookYourData can elevate your outreach game, where you can buy email lists with real-time email verification.

📌 Quick tip: Crafting the perfect meeting request email begins with having laser-targeted, verified contacts to avoid a lack of replies to your cold emails. With BookYourData's 97% accuracy guarantee and real-time email verification, ensure your emails reach the right professionals. Kickstart your outreach with 10 FREE leads 🔥

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What is an Email Template?

what is an email template?

In a world where everyone’s inbox is full to overflowing, getting your meeting request email to stand out is difficult!

Email templates offer a streamlined, efficient solution that saves time and helps your company’s communications look slick and professional.

An email template is a predesigned framework to help individuals or businesses send professional, well-structured emails. 

Email templates are usually customizable and act as a foundation for creating various types of emails, including advertising, cold, and follow-up emails. 

Using templates makes the process of sending emails more streamlined by ensuring a uniform appearance and a professional tone. 

They may include sections where details like client names, places, company names, or dates can be edited so each email can be personalized. 

Benefits of Using Email Templates

There are many benefits to using email templates, ranging from increased professionalism to improved efficiency. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits!

  • Efficient: Preparing each email individually is time-consuming and unnecessary. When you use templates, the time spent composing emails is drastically reduced — enhancing efficiency and leaving time free for more productive endeavors 
  • Streamlined: Email templates streamline communication, meaning all emails are of a consistent quality and use similar professional language. It maintains uniformity across all communication with customers, increasing professionalism
  • Improved response rates: Well-put-together emails are more likely to get responses. When you use templates, you can ensure that all necessary details are included and that the call to action is easy to respond to
  • Consistent: Consistent communication helps to maintain your brand image; you can ensure each and every email sent by your company aligns with your brand’s values. You can also avoid any clumsy sentences, incorrect words, or misspellings
  • Easy to analyze: When you use templates, it’s easier to keep track of your progress and see what’s working and what isn’t in marketing campaigns. 

You’re removing unnecessary variation, so it’s a breeze to see which templates are performing well and which aren’t. This helps inform future decision-making and strategies.

Key Elements of an Effective Meeting Request Email

key elements of an effective meeting request email

A meeting request email should be clear, and professional, with a personal touch. Let’s take a closer look at the elements you need to consider:

Warm vs. Cold Meeting Request Emails

The meeting request email will vary depending on whether you’re sending a ‘warm’ or a ‘cold’ email. 

Warm Meeting Request Emails

These are sent to people who have either had previous interactions with your company, your colleagues, or with you personally. 

They should contain personalized references to past instances in which you’ve interacted with the recipient and be tailored to reflect what you know about the person. 

Cold Meeting Request Emails

These emails are sent to anyone whom you do not have a prior business relationship with.

These leads can be provided by companies like BookYourData, who provide valid, deliverable emails. 


Cold email outreach tends to be a little trickier to get responses, as you really need to go out of your way to show you understand the recipient and their industry. 

Cold emails should include well-researched details about the recipient to ensure your meeting request doesn’t appear to be a mass email. 

It should also clearly outline the value your meeting will offer to the recipient. Try researching them on LinkedIn to see if you can find any results that point to a connection!

Anatomy of an Effective Meeting Request Email

An effective meeting request email should be clear, to the point, and informative. This should include:

  • Attention-grabbing subject line
  • Friendly, personalized greeting
  • A clear, concise introduction
  • Detailed explanation of the purpose of the meeting and what the recipient stands to gain from participating. 
  • Agenda of topics and issues to be discussed, including any action items.
  • Information about any other attendees, and how the meeting will look - this can include whether it will be an informal chat, a structured interview, or a conference. 
  • Flexible options for the date and time of the meeting. 
  • Polite closing note and signature. 

Getting Your Email's Tone Just Right

Setting the right tone in your meeting request email is a balancing act; you want to be professional yet friendly, concise, but detailed at the same time. Here are some tips for achieving the tone you want:

  • Show a genuine understanding of the reader’s industry and respect for their potential time and expertise. Demonstrate knowledge of their role, sales history, current projects, goals, challenges, and pain points
  • Be optimistic about the potential collaboration
  • Be clear in your communication, ensuring you stay focused and hit all the main points without adding ‘fluff’. Avoid any complicated language or jargon in your content
  • Use persuasive writing techniques ( these are techniques designed to guide someone to your point of view).

How to Write and Structure a Meeting Request Email

how to write and structure a meeting request

Here are a few further tips on writing and structuring a meeting request email that will be more likely to get positive responses:

Create a Specific Subject Line

The subject line is the first part of the email your recipient will see – and in cases when you don’t get it right, it may be the only part they’ll see! 

Subject lines dictate whether emails are opened or not, so you must get it right. Make sure you:

  • Use clear, direct, and concise language to outline the purpose of the meeting. Keeping it brief is essential!
  • Add a personal touch if applicable
  • Make the meeting time-sensitive to create urgency(no exception).

Begin by Showing Your Intention

Your email needs to clearly show the reasons why you’re reaching out and what you hope to achieve in the meeting. 

Greet the email recipient and reference whatever connections you have with them to build rapport if possible. 

Clearly state the purpose behind the meeting request and what you hope to achieve, including what the recipient will gain from the meeting. It should be presented as a mutually beneficial opportunity!

Include Crucial Meeting Details in the Body of the Email

The body of the email is where you can include all the important details of the meeting. Keep it concise, but include the following elements:

  • Agenda: This doesn’t need to be set in stone, but a tentative outline will help the recipient get on the same page as you and understand what the meeting will involve
  • List of possible dates and times: You want to make it easy and convenient for the recipient to accept the request, so make sure you include several options with plenty of advance warning. You can use scheduling tools like Doodle, or send an invitation through Google Calendar
  • Expected length of meeting: Estimate how long you expect the meeting to take so that the recipient can plan their schedule. Try to keep it short – if the meeting is going well, you can always either extend or schedule a follow-up
  • Preferred platform: As the meeting organizer, it is your role to provide the details for the meeting platform whether it is on Zoom, Teams, Google Meet, via phone call, or in person.

End the Email Politely

Politely wrap up your email, encouraging the recipient to get back to you with a reply especially if your business is something like SaaS. 

This could include asking about their availability or asking for their input on the meeting agenda. Include your thanks to the recipient for considering your offer/deal. 

Make sure you include a professional signature at the bottom within correct space that includes your details including your full name, job title, position in the company, and contact information.

Best Practices for Writing Meeting Request Emails

best practices for writing meeting request emails

Although the exact tone of your meeting request email will vary based on a variety of factors, there are some best practices to bear in mind that are applicable in all situations:

Personalize Your Email

A personalized touch is always better than a mass-produced request. It shows you care about the email recipient and have their interests in mind. 

Tailor the email to include relevant personal details about the clients, and refer to any previous interactions to create a connection. 

Keep it Short and Sweet

Everyone is busy, and keeping your email concise is essential. Use clear, concise phrases and bullet points to keep things short and sweet, and stay on topic!

Offer Multiple Dates and Time Options

Be respectful of the recipients' schedule when you send your invite and offer several different meeting options.

Extend the template by providing alternative meeting times that might better suit your recipient. Being flexible can improve your chances of finding a suitable time for both parties. Be polite and ask them to propose a time frame that suits them.

Make sure you consider time zones before sending the request to avoid suggesting inconvenient times. Assure them you’re willing to be flexible and make changes if they can’t make any of your suggested times!

Ask for Confirmation and Follow Up

End your email with a call to action(to keep your boss happy for ROI), asking them to confirm whether they’re attending or not. 

Follow up with the recipient with a reminder to respond – make sure you’re not nagging them or seeming desperate, though!

In the event that the meeting is accepted and goes ahead, follow up with the minutes of the meeting and any action items to keep the attendee in the loop. 

Ask for feedback on what you discussed to see if the recipient has any additional thoughts after the fact.

Examples and Templates for Scheduling a Meeting

The email template will vary depending on the meeting topic ideas, how well you know the recipient, the kind of business, etc. In this section, we’ll go through different sample emails that you can use to schedule/reschedule a meeting. 

Some are more appropriate for an informal meeting held at a cafe, others are better for business meetings at an office or online. 

Example 1

Subject line: Exploring Opportunities: Shall We Discuss?

Dear [name],

I am eager to engage with you on [topic] that holds promising prospects for both parties involved. Let's catch up and explore the opportunities lying ahead of us.

I have earmarked the following slots for a possible meeting:

[date] at [time]

[date] at [time]

We can set up the meeting via [app]. Do any of these slots work for your schedule?

Anticipating our fruitful discussion.

Warm regards,

[your name]

Example 2

Subject line: Partnership Agenda: Your Thoughts?

Dear [name],

As we steer toward the potential collaboration that we discussed recently, I am eager to carve out a structured path for us. I think a  detailed discussion is the best approach to bring clarity and help to carve the way forward.

Here’s a tentative agenda to guide our discussion:

Unfolding the partnership plans

Assessing potential opportunities and problems

Working towards expanding our services together

Sketching the next steps

Could we convene on [date] at [time]? Awaiting your response.

Best wishes,

[your name]

Example 3

Subject line: Strengthening Bonds: Time to Catch Up

Hello [name],

I trust you're doing great. As our companies continue to work together, it's the perfect time to deepen our bonds and share enriching insights for an enhanced partnership.

I propose we meet on:

Date: [date]

Time: [time]

Venue: [location/link to the meeting]

Does this schedule work for you? If not, let me know and we’ll find a date that works for everyone. 

Best regards,

[your name]

Example 4

Subject Line: Time for a Discussion: Are You Available?

Hello [name],

I hope your week is going well. There is a burgeoning thought on [meeting topic] that I am keen to discuss with you. A dedicated time for us to meet up could be a perfect ground to discuss strategy and sow seeds for future collaborations.

Could we align for an online or in-person conversation? Your convenience will be my guide in setting this up.


[your name]

Example 5

Subject Line: Coffee & Conversations: Are You In?

Dear [name],

Greetings! I’ve been thinking that it's the perfect time for us to reconnect and reflect over a cup of coffee or lunch. A casual setting to discuss the milestones we can achieve together.

Here are the details I propose:

Date: [date]

Time: [time]

Venue: [location]

Does this fit into your schedule? Looking forward to our chat.

Warm regards,

[your name]

Meeting Templates: How to Ask Perfectly FAQ

How Do You Send a Meeting Request via Email?

Begin with a clear subject line, then start the email with a polite greeting and a short description of the meeting's purpose. 

Add in necessary details about the agenda, the location or platform, and the expected length of the meeting. Provide alternative dates and times for the recipient’s convenience, and end the email with a polite closing note and a call to action. 

How Do You Politely Ask for an Appointment?

Make sure your meeting request email is respectful of the recipient’s time. Begin with a friendly greeting and touch on any shared interactions you’ve had with the recipient in the past. 

Clearly state how the meeting you’re proposing could be beneficial for everyone involved. 

Make sure you provide multiple time slots for appointments, and end with a friendly, hopeful note adding that you hope to hear from them soon!

How Do I Ask for a Zoom Meeting Email?

Start with a clear subject line and include a friendly greeting and a brief description of what you wish to discuss. State how long you expect the meeting to run for, and add that Zoom is your preferred platform. 

Propose a series of dates and times for the meeting, making sure you consider the recipient’s schedule and possible time zone differences. Finish with a polite closing and a signature that includes your full name and contact details!

In Summary: Send Meeting Emails That Engage and Convert

Email templates are reusable, customizable templates designed to make sending emails easy and efficient. 

Using templates helps streamline communication and maintain uniformity across your brand’s communication methods. 

Creating a persuasive meeting invitation email can be facilitated by choosing the right template, but you need to ensure you’re picking the correct one for the circumstances! 

A meeting request should have a catchy subject line, demonstrate clear intentions for the meeting, and include relevant details. 

The tone is also important; you need to include the appropriate mix of friendliness and professionalism. 

This way, you can make your meeting request email stand out among the many messages piling up in the recipient’s inbox and turn it into successful meetings!

Understanding your prospects is the key to genuine engagement. When you offer solutions that genuinely benefit them, there's no need for aggressive sales tactics; they'll naturally gravitate towards what you offer. The foundation of this approach is pinpointing the right accounts.

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